Geneva is the world headquarters for the Red Cross

From Geneva, we traveled to Montreux to visit with our 
friends Hayward and Karen Cox.  This is a view from 
our bedroom window. If you click on this picture a panaramic view can be seen.  Use your back button to return here.

Hayward and Karen invited us to stay with them in their apartment. 
What wonderful hosts!

Here we are across the street from the apartment. Lac 
Leman (AKA Lake Geneva) is in the background.

Hayward taught a semester at the International Hotel School Glion.

Connie was invited to be the guest speaker for one of the classes.
One day we took the train to Bern.  This is the famous 
clock in one of the squares downtown.

It was one of the first warm days in Bern and the sidewalk cafe was very popular.

Another day, the Coxs' took us to Evian.  This is the town hall

Of course, on the way we had yet another gourmet lunch at Les Terrasses in Mellerie, France.  Here we are with the chef and owner.

On the way, we also stopped to see this glacier.

Another trip was to Gruyere for fondue.  Guess what kind of cheese we had? 
And more great food!   Roast chicken is the specialty here at 
Auberge de l'Onde in St. Saphorin, Switzerland
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