Our trip to Costa Rica in December 1999
We approach our destination  Costa Rica Airport Welcome in Costa Rica
A view from our window Reception at the hotel
Dinner the next night Typical Road, this one is one of the better paved
Arriving at the Doka coffee plantation for a tour Explaining growing and cultivation of the coffee
Striping the hulls from the beans Sun drying the Coffee Beans
Connie going into the Roasting house Payday is every day,  by the bushel
A roadside Grocery
Typical Friday Traffic Typical small Town
This bridge took two trys to get over The river under the bridge as seen from our bus
Steam comming from the Poaz Volcano crater We were serenaded at every stop
Ron in the Mangrove forest The Mangrove trees are really big
This Crocodile is having a lazy old time Yes I do have a big mouth
The Scarlet Macaw is really beautiful This bridge was even more exciting!
This is near the Mangrove forest Another welcome
Some entertainment before leaving for the hotel This hotel had a wonderful pool complex right on the Pacific ocean
This Bird of Paradise was at the entrance to the hotel More flowers
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